Category: surgery
And Then There Was One
Elation. That’s what I’m feeling today. One week post-op from my extended bi-lateral DIEP flap and I have already had four drains reduced to ONE! (Oh, hope you didn’t think I was talking about only having one breast, still definitely have two of those. Thank goodness!) At LEAST 4 out of 4 women who have…
Here I Go Again
But I’m not on my own. In between packing, moving and selling our house, I haven’t had time to even think about my upcoming tissue flap surgery, but as I write this now, we’ve packed up all our personal belongings, put the few furniture pieces we kept in storage and had a successful closing on…
Lucky #7
I asked him to blow on those two little white resin squares for luck, closed my eyes, said a silent prayer and rolled those dice. And what do you know, it appeared my persistence and innate intuition had finally paid off. Seven glorious black dots revealed themselves. Did I win cash money? A new car?…
Brotherly Love
Having made the decision to finally go ahead with tissue flap surgery, I had been thinking about (kinda dreading) how I wanted to tell my family and friends. I was certainly not going to have them discover my plans by reading this blog, although that certainly would be easier. (Like breaking up with someone on…
ISO Dr. Right
Ah, spring. That sweet time of year when the birds start looking for singing contracts again, green leaf buds are starting to sprout (the ones on trees-since this is CO, I feel the need to distinguish), and your (insert favorite baseball team here) are gearing up for a loooonnnnggg season of playing some hardball. Oh,…
These Go to 11
I told her that I did not want porn star boobs. Repeatedly. Guess what I got? Now, boys and girls, don’t get too excited…I am likely the only one who sees them that way. Ha! But arguably, I’m really the only one who matters when it comes to how I see them. She, on the…
Annie 2.0
I used to get so frustrated when the few news articles that talked about the BRCA mutations focused primarily on healthy women choosing to get prophylactic double mastectomies. Willingly, these brave (crazy?) women in their 40s, 30s and yes, even 20s were choosing to remove their breasts; not because they had been diagnosed with breast…
Dear Facebook….
It’s not me, it’s you. Relationship Status: It’s Complicated I hate to put it so bluntly (kinda), but lets be honest, we both knew this day was coming and the final straw I guess for me, was your more recent shenanigans. I don’t blame you so much as your “handlers”. Needless to say, though I simply…
How We Knew it Was Time
Five seemingly short years ago last month, we pulled our jam-packed truck into the parking garage of our new home in Boulder, Colorado. Sixteen hundred miles in our rearview was the only home I had really ever known. What happens when you think you’re living the life you were meant to live? Going along day after day in the…
This is Us
Jack and Rebecca may just be the most perfect couple on the planet right now. You know…JACK-AND-REBECCA. If you’re one of the few people, who apparently exist, not watching This Is Us, I seriously recommend getting on board and binging as soon as possible. It’s so, so good. Absolutely one of our faves and once you…