Category: surgery
Tissue Expanders are Such a Pain. Literally!
So we’ve been a little quiet of late around here, basically because there hasn’t been much new to report. And also because we’ve been enjoying some much needed, wonderful visits and adventures with family and friends. We do have a couple of posts we’re both working on in the queue though, so stay tuned. Since…
Pathology is in and I get TWO gold stars!
So happy and thankful to be sharing this wonderful news – the pathology reports on the ALL the breast tissue they could remove showed NO cancer cells and even NO abnormal cells!! As Bill had mentioned on my immediate post-surgery update, this certainly wasn’t completely unexpected since my surgeon said she didn’t see anything suspicious in…
Butt Bare, Don’t Care
Thought that one might get your attention. Ok, so apparently I do have more to write/talk about here than I thought I would. Bill be slackin’ is what I’m saying. 😀 I was in the hospital for 3 nights, instead of the anticipated 1-2, so you can pretty much imagine how I felt. Pretty damn…
Family isn’t just who you are given assigned to at birth; there’s also the family you make. I am lucky and continue to be very blessed to have both and I wanted to recognize just a couple dear ones in particular here. First, my love, my life, my truly better half. As difficult as this time…
Nashville Wrecked Me, Y’all
No, not the wonderful little town. The (formerly?) wonderful little show starring one of my super idols, Ms. Connie Britton. Even though the show has certainly had its share of issues, which is why I assume it was ultimately canceled by ABC after what would have been a super series finale (didn’t care about Juliette’s…
Woman Walks Several Blocks on Own Two Feet Without Assistance!
Last week, the day before my first “lovely” expanders fill, I decided it was high time to screw waiting for Bill to get home and that I wanted to take a walk to the lake NOW. So I did. 🙂 I took it slow and although I was definitely feeling it in my sternum on…
Ice Cream and Pillow Forts
It’s becoming a thing. Last week, after Annie’s first and not-so-wonderful expanders fill, she was excited for an ice cream cone the way a five year-old is thrilled when a banker hands her a lollipop across the teller window (remember those?) I think she got a taste of the possibilities, as yesterday, following her second fill, she innocently asked, “Ummm…what…
We will pump you up!
Annie’s recovery continues to progress roughly as expected, except the pain stubbornly remains more intense than anticipated. It’s made experimenting with withdrawing from certain drugs a very slow process indeed. While it’s a very distant one, at least it’s on the horizon. For that, we’re both grateful. She was hopeful this evening of enjoying a…
Little Victories
Hi all! My amazing hubby has done a spectacular job of keeping everyone updated on my progress during this crazy journey of mine/ours, but I just had to pop in and express my immense gratitude for all of the love, prayers and overall good vibes that have come our way. Your warm & thoughtful wishes,…
Hasta la vista, Dilaudid
The oral Dilaudid Annie was sent home with is very effective at dulling pain. It’s like diligent traffic cop for your neurons, keeping them from firing and feeling much pain in your brain. An unfortunate side effect is some of these traffic cops got a bit lost. They wandered on down to her colon, standing…